Based on the traditional dielectric microstrip balun, a new-type coupling balun is presented in this study. The front side of this balun is composed of an open stub and two rectangular patches. One end of the rectangular patches is opencircuited, and the other end connects with the dipole. On the back side, there are two other rectangular patches with one end grounded and the other end open-circuited. When using such balun for feeding, one can still get a wide bandwidth, and more importantly, obtain higher port isolation. Compared with the dipole fed by the traditional balun, the maximum/average port isolation of the dipole fed by the new-type one is increased by 10.8 dB/7.9 dB.The new-type balun has a good application prospect in dual-polarized antenna.
K E Y W O R D Sdipole antenna, dual-polarized antenna, port isolation, wideband balun How to cite this article: Huang H. A new balun that can improve port isolation degree of a dual-polarized antenna.