SummaryTo meet the increasing needs of high speed communication, wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems are emerging very rapidly. There has also been considerable interest in upgrading the existing single channel fiber optic networks to the multichannel WDM systems. With the invention of the EDFA, the data carrying capacity is mainly limited by the fiber dispersion. Dispersion compensating schemes provide a cost effective option for upgrading the existing networks to WDM networks. One of the dispersion compensation schemes uses higher order mode propagation in the compensating fiber [l]. It has been shown that a wide band dispersion compensation can be achieved by proper design of the compensating fiber (CF) [2]. The scheme however needs mode converters, for converting LPol to LP11 mode and vice versa. To achieve wide band dispersion compensation, the mode converter also should have wide band characteristics. In this paper, we theoretically investigate a broad band mode converter (MC) in the form of a tilted fiber bragg grating (TFBG). This MC has advantage over other types of converter that it is compact and can be easily spliced with the existing and the dispersion compensating fiber.Let us consider a fiber, which can support two modes, LPol and LP11. The grating is printed in the core of the fiber inclined at an angle I3 with the normal to the fiber axis. The induced change in refractive index of the the fiber can be written as [3]where 71 is the fringe visibility of the index, 6,,ff is the dc index change. z' = zcosI3 + zsinC)..db is the grating period, and z-axis is t,aken along the axis of the fiber. The tilt angle (0) in the grating introduces asymmetry into the system and consequently the power can be coupled from forward propagating LPol mode tjo forward propagating LPl1 mode. For forward coupling of the two modes, the grating period should satisfy the condition where DOI and 011 are the propagation constants of mode LPol and LPl1 modes respectively. respectively, the coupled amplitude for LP11 mode at the coupling length (L,) will be Considering, the LPOI and LPII forward propagating modes have amplitude A01 and Allwhere K is the coupling coefficient and y is given by .where AD = (001 -Pl1) -2ncosC)/iZh. The coupling coefficient for small tilt angle (e) can be written as where 90 and Q 1 l are the modal field distribution, a is the core radius, R is radius upto which field is computed and X is the wavelength of operation. From (5) it can be seen that the coupling coefficient is directly proportional the tilt angle 0.