In this work we designed a rectangular patch antenna in the teraherk band for wireless body network (WBAN) applications using CST software. This antenna is simulated with RO4003C substrate (εr = 3.55) and has dimensions of 199 × 154 μm<sup>2</sup> for width and length, respectively. We obtained return loss of -41.408 dB, -43.918 dB, and -29.92 dB; gain of 5.32 dB, 6.21 dB, and 4.851 Db; directivity of 6.659 dB, 7.502 dB, and 6.566 dB; in 0.74 THZ, 1.148 THZ, and 1.734 THZ frequencies, respectively. The simulation results are very satisfactory, and this antenna can be used for WBAN applications.