A miniaturized wideband loop antenna for terrestrial digital television (DTV) and ultra-high definition (UHD) TV applications is proposed. The original wideband loop antenna consists of a square loop, two circular sectors to connect the loop with central feed points, and a 75 ohm coplanar waveguide (CPW) feed line inserted in the lower circular sector. The straight side of the square loop is replaced with a multiple half-circular-ring-based loop structure. Horizontal slits are appended to the two circular sectors in order to further reduce the antenna size. A tapered CPW feed line is also employed in order to improve impedance matching. The experiment results show that the proposed miniaturized loop antenna operates in the 460.7–806.2 MHz frequency band for a voltage standing wave ratio less than two, which fully covers the DTV and UHD TV bands (470–771 MHz). The proposed miniaturized wideband loop antenna has a length reduction of 21.43%, compared to the original loop antenna.