Abstract-A wideband omnidirectional circularly polarized (CP) patch antenna is proposed in this paper. The proposed antenna is composed of a disk-loaded coaxial probe and four pairs of modified Γ-shaped strips loaded with shorting pins. Each pair of modified Γ-shaped strips consists of an inner Γ-shaped strip and an outer Γ-shaped strip. The approach employed in this design for improving the operating bandwidth is to add an inner Γ-shaped strip and make it couple to the outer one. By introducing the two coupled Γ-shaped strips, two different monopole modes can be achieved simultaneously and controlled separately by two different corresponding parts of these two Γ-shaped strips, respectively, and they can be merged to realize a wide-band impedance matching. Meanwhile, two minimum axial ratio (AR) points around the resonances of the antenna are excited by the coupled Γ-shaped strips, and they can be reallocated closely to each other for wide AR bandwidth. The measured results show that the proposed design has a 10-dB impedance bandwidth of 22.7% (2.26-2.84 GHz), 3-dB AR bandwidth of 33.6% (2.1-2.95 GHz) and low profile of 0.1λ 0 (λ 0 is the free-space wavelength at center frequency). In addition, a parametric discussion is conducted to further verify the proposed design.