20Since 2015, new worrying colistin resistance mechanism, mediated by mcr-1 21 gene has been reported worldwide along with eight newly described variants (mcr-2 to mcr-9) 22 but their source(s) and reservoir(s) remain largely unexplored. Here, we conducted a massive 23 bioinformatic analysis of 64'628 downloaded bacterial genomes to investigate the reservoir 24 and origin of these mcr variants. We identified a total of 6'651 significant positive hits (aa 25 sequence coverage > 90 % and similarity >50%) with the nine MCR variants from these 26 genomes that include 39 bacterial genera and more than 1050 species. Although these variants 27 could be identified in bacteria from human and animal sources, we found plenty MCR 28 variants in unsuspected bacteria from environmental origin, especially from water sources. 29The ubiquitous presence of mcr variants in bacteria from water likely suggests another role in 30 the biosphere of these enzymes as an unknown defense system against natural antimicrobial 31 peptides and/or bacteriophage predation. 32
21.Ling, Z. et al. Chromosome-mediated mcr-3 variants in aeromonas veronii from chicken meat.
440Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 61, (2017). 441 22. Huang, M. et al. Action and mechanism of the colistin resistance enzyme MCR-4. Commun. 442 Biol. 2, (2019).443 23. Carroll, L. M. et al. Identification of Novel Mobilized Colistin Resistance Gene mcr-9 in a 595Suppl. Figure S2. Phylogenetic tree performed from MCR variant hits (n=6'648 proteins) with aa identity between 50% and 100% and 596 alignment ≥ 90%. 597