Abstract-In shear compounding, shear waves are generated at various angles and individual elasticity maps are averaged to reduce noise and improve accuracy. The steered shear waves tilt the tissue motion direction therefore conventional plane wave tracking is not capable of capturing true shear wave amplitude and direction. The proposed method aligns the tracking beams with the shear wave angles, enables beam-axis in the direction of tissue motion to estimate true shear wave motion vector. In this experimental work, shear waves are produced at five different angles and motion is captured using proposed and conventional method. All the experiments are conducted using inclusion-based elasticity phantom. In the results, the displacement maps show that proposed method accurately captured the steered pushbeam wave-fronts while conventional method produced pushbeam direction artefacts. In the final compounded elasticity maps, the proposed method slightly improved background-to-inclusion elasticity ratio, CNR by 2 dB, and produced inclusion boundary shape sharper than the conventional tracking.