The objective of this article is to prove the legitimacy of implementing sustainable development in health resorts. The main focus is on health resorts in Poland, but the European context was also taken into account. Particular attention is devoted to public space and landscape that have been changing in recent years primarily as a result of measures described as revitalization or regeneration. Furthermore, examples of pro-environmental initiatives conducted in Polish health resorts over the last five years are presented. With the responsible use of the considerable natural, cultural and landscape assets health they are usually “equipped” with, health resorts can be a model for sustainable development. The article is based on an analysis of literature, source documents (legislation, reports, revitalization programmes, development plans) and websites as well as field observations (direct inventory). It is important, however, to implement remedial measures and build and maintain the image of health resorts as tranquil places with unique landscapes of therapeutic value and attractive public spaces.