In this research, three honeycell WiFi In this research, the architecture developed in [9] is architectures using the 802.11b and 802.11g protocols are studied in the context of heavy-load applications involving studied. These architectures are designed to provide high dynamic data sent from a central node to mobile nodes. mobility for dynamic data applications and are optimizedWiFi architectures are proposed based on 802.1 lb and for deployment in moderately populated areas. OPNET is 802.1 1g [10][11][12]. MIPv6 is used for mobility support [13]. used in the study as the network simulator. At the OPNET These architectures are optimized to achieve a minimal default value of the packet reception power threshold, it is packet loss for mobile nodes that have speeds in the range found that the 802.11b architecture gives the best of 6-60Km/hr (walking to car speed in urban areas). performance. The optimum packet reception power The roposed architectures are simulated on OPNET threshold is then obtained for the three architectures. It is p p * [14]. Variables responsible for network performance are then found that an 802.11g architecture gives the best investigated in order to obtain the optimum performance performance amongst all the studied architectures. desired at different speeds, namely: wireless protocol