A fast tracking technique for doing beam tail simulations has been applied to a study of beam-beam effects in the SLAC/LBL/LLNL PEP-I1 B Factory. In particular, the dependence of beam lifetime and particle density distribution due to vacuum pressure, damping times, machine nonlinearity and parasitic crossings has been analyzed. Effects of accidental orbit separation and dispersion function at the interaction point (IP) have also been considered.
I. BEAM PARAMETERS AND MODELBeam and machine parameters for PEP-I1 B factory are described elsewhere [l]. For the sake of completeness, we reproduce in the Table I all parameters we need for a discussion of beam-beam effects. Our notation for most of the parameters has a standard and obvious meaning. Only a few definitions need explanation. In the PEP-I1 B factory, electron and positron bunches collide head-on at the IP. After the IP, beam orbits are inagiletically separated in the horizontal plane. However, before entering its own vacuum pipe, each electron bunch and each positron buiich experiences four more interactions with other bunches of the opposite beam. We refer to these interactions as parasitic crossings (PC's). A parameter dsep defines orbit separation at the first PC. Orbit separation at the remaining PCs is much larger and, consequently, the effect of beam-beam interactions at these P C is negligible. We will ignore them in our model and will consider only the first parasitic crossing on either side of the IP. Parameters Av, and Av, define horizontal and vertical betatron phase advance, in units of the betatron tune, from the main IP to the first PC.A goal of our study was understanding the mechanisms leading to a beam lifetime limitation in electron-positron colliders. According to experimental observations [2], these mechanisms are fairly insensitive to particle density distribution in the beam core. Thus, a weal-strong model of beam-beam effects seems adequate to our task.All our simulations were carried out with the beam-beam program LIFETRAC [3]. This program allows the following physics to be included in the simulation:1. Beam-beam kick. 2. One turn, six-dimensional linear map. 3. Chromaticity up to the third order: