“…The same holds for PCA dimension reduction (R function prcomp). Here is a list of specific R packages that are of particular interest for microarray-based classification and freely available without registration.- pamr package for PAM (Tibshirani et al 2002)
- penalized package for penalized regression approaches: LASSO, L 2 (Goeman, 2007)
- glmpath package for LASSO regression (Park and Hastie, 2007)
- rda package for regularized discriminant analysis (Guo et al 2007)
- plsgenomics package for PLS-based classification (Boulesteix, 2004; Fort and Lambert-Lacroix, 2005)
- gpls package for generalized partial least squares classification (Ding and Gentleman, 2005)
- e1071 package for SVM
- randomForest for random forests classification (Diaz-Uriarte and de Andrés, 2006)
- logitBoost package for logitBoost (Dettling and Bühlmann, 2003)
- BagBoosting package for bagboosting (Dettling, 2004)
- MADE4 package for classification by the “between-group analysis” (BGA) dimension reduction method (Culhane et al 2005)
- pdmclass package for classification using penalized discriminant methods (Ghosh, 2003)
- MLInterfaces package including unifying functions for cross-validation and validation on test data in combination with various classifiers
- MCRestimate package for fair comparison and evaluation of classification methods (Ruschhaupt et al 2004)
Packages including functions for gene selection are- genefilter package including a function that computes t-tests quickly
- WilcoxCV package for fast Wilcoxon based variable selection in cross-validation (Boulesteix, 2007)
- varSelRF R package for variable selections with random forests (Diaz-Uriarte and de Andrés, 2006)
- GALGO R package for variable selection with genetic algorithms (Trevino and Falciani, 2006) (http://www.bip.bham.ac.uk/vivo/galgo/AppNotesPaper.htm).