Aging is a natural process undergone by every organism, with progressive changes that lead to an impairment of many biological processes. The human skin ages through several mechanisms which may cause changes to the morphology of skin leading to its reduced thickness, lower dermis density and to the presence of a subepidermal low echogenic band. These morphological changes are responsible for the visible changes of the skin such as reduced elasticity, firmness, luminosity and hydration. This study was conducted to investigate the antiageing effect and to assess the qualities and efficacy of a topical cosmetic products and a nutricosmetic product, after 84 days. Sixty women were divided into three groups and assigned different treatments (Group A: topical treatment, Group B: oral treatment and Group C: combination of topical and oral treatments). The topical treatment consisted in the application of a facial gel with alpha hydroxy acids and a facial cream with retinyl palmitate, hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C, whereas the oral treatment consisted in the daily ingestion of a drinkable solution composed of collagen peptides, astaxanthin, hyaluronic acid, vitamins and active other ingredients. Finally, Group C received a combination of the treatments in Group A and Group