Experientia 41 (1985), Birkh//user Verlag, CH-4010 Basel/Switzerland Adult specimens of Procambarus were anesthetized by cooling. Abdomens were perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde-4% glutaraldehyde in phosphate buffer (pH = 7.3, 4~ Abdominal ganglia were removed, immersed in fixative (overnight), postfixed in OsO4 (2%, 2 h), dehydrated through an ethanol series, stained 'en bloc' with uranyl acetate and finally embedded in araldite. Thin sections of ventral areas of ganglia were stained on grids with lead citrate. Transmission electron microscopy of neuron perikarya reveals the presence of modified double-walled endocytotic vesicles (300-700 nm). They are formed by apposed neuronal and glial membranes which enclose small extrusions of the glial cytoplasm ( fig. 1). The external membrane is of neuronal origin, whilst the internal one is glial. These two membranes are separated by a narrow cleft of 10 nm as in a normal neuron-glia interface 1~'2. These membranes do not show in general gap-like junctions, but can bear neuronal subsurface cisternae. In some cases, a thin lamina of dense neuronal cytoplasm underlies endocytotic figures. Free double-walled vesicles are frequently observed in neuron cell bodies (figs 2 and 3). Their content shows the same density as glial cytoplasm and is lighter than neuron mitochondrial matrix or neuronal cytoplasm. These vesicles are interpreted as modified endocytotic vesicles moving to internal cytoplasm. Both endocytotic vesicles and internalized double-walled vesicles are found in most of the neuron cell bodies, irrespective of their size or situation in the ganglia. They are not found in glia/axon pairs or in neuropile. The presence of gap-like junctions 11, and the observed modified endocytosis suggest that the neuronal microenvironment concept is no longer applicable to the intercellular space between perikarya of abdominal neurons of crayfish and associated peri-1591 neuronal glia cells. Gap-like junctions could allow the glia-toneuron transfer of small proteins up to 1000-1500 dalton ~3. Larger free cytoplasmic macromolecules could be transferred through endocytosis of glial cytoplasmic extrusions. In this case, some coupled mechanism to free the content of the double walled vesicles and to transport it to destination is probably needed 14.1 Varon, S.S., and Somjen, G.G., Neurosci. Res. Prog. Bull. 17 (1979) 1. 2 Gainer, H., Tasaki, I., and Lasek, R.J., J. Cell Biol. 74 (1977) For the chemotaxis assays polycarbonate filters (8 Ilm pore size, Nuclepore, Concorezzo, Milan, Italy) were coated with gelatin as described 18. The cells were trypsinized (2 min, 0.025 % trypsin, 0.1% EDTA in PBS), suspended in serum-containing culture medium to inactivate the enzyme, centrifuged, washed with medium without serum and resuspended in this medium. 2.5-3 x 105 cells/m119 were placed in the upper compartment of Boyden chambers (0.8 ml), while the lower compartment (0.2 ml) contained the molecules to be tested for their chemotactic activity, in serum-flee culture medium (c = 200 nM). Medi...