“…Meaningful interpretation of MD simulations requires that each trajectory's stability be determined+ To this end, various parameters were examined to assess convergence+ The root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) from the average structure was calculated for the wild-type microhelix Ala simulation and each of the 2:71 variant simulations over a 2-ns production run time (Fig+ 5)+ Analyses of helical parameters were also examined, including local twist, base-pair inclination, and x-displacement from the global helical axis+ Appreciable fluctuations from a constant value were not observed in the RMSDs or in the helical parameters (data not shown)+ Thus, all trajectories in this study were established as reliable for interpretation+ All helices exhibited A-form geometries with the exception of local twist deviations around the G3:U70 wobble base pair+ Such geometries are consistent with prior NMR, X-ray, and MD simulation studies on the wild-type microhelix and related analogs (Ramos & Varani, 1997;Vogtherr et al+, 1998;Mueller et al+, 1999;Nagan et al+, 1999)+ Analysis of hydration indicated a water molecule to be tightly bound at the 3:70 position in every case examined here, consistent with prior experiments and simulations (Mueller et al+, 1999;Nagan et al+, 1999) for wild-type microhelix Ala + Along with structural properties, we also examined the relationship between base-pair substitution and RNA electrostatic properties+ The electrostatic potential (ESP) computed by solving the linearized PB equation is expressed as the free energy of interaction between the RNA and a unit positive charge+ The calculation is performed considering two different dielectric regions (solute and solvent) defined by the solvent-accessible surface+ This type of calculation can provide insights into how a cation, a positively charged side chain, or a protein with a positive electrostatic potential may interact with the RNA+ Such sites will also interact strongly with hydrogen-bond donating groups, including water+ PB calculations are routinely used to describe proteinsmall molecule (Ullmann et al+, 2000) and protein-DNA interactions (Misra et al+, 1994), and recently, Chin and coworkers have used PB methods to describe specific RNA electrostatics (Chin et al+, 2000)+ Van der Waals components can be further added to the electrostatic component in such a way that steric effects, derived from the actual size of atoms involved in the interaction, are also taken into account+ The sum of these two terms defines the molecular interaction potential (MIP), as originally described in the context of quantum mechanical systems by Orozco and Luque and later extended to classical systems (Orozco & Luque, 1993)+ MIP isopotential contours at Ϫ5+5 kcal/mol for various microhelices are shown in Figure 6+ All microhelices are shown from the major groove side+ The isopotential contour around the wild-type microhelix Ala indicates that there is a large region of negative interaction potential throughout the major groove, beginning at the 5:68 base pair and extending up the helix roughly to the 2:71 base pair+ Notwithstanding structural similarities between all microhelices studied, a striking difference in interaction potentials was observed with respect to...…”