Arts, Gertie, Jos Boesten, Theo Brock, Ivo Roessink, 2017. Arable weeds and non-target In 2014 the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published a scientific opinion on the state of the science on risk assessment of plant protection products for non-target terrestrial pants (EFSA PPR, 2014). Before starting the development of EFSA guidance for this group of organisms, options for specific protection goals (SPGs) and related exposure assessment goals (EAGs) have to be defined.In this document, three options for in-field specific protection goals (SPGs) for arable weeds are proposed, comprising the options for Maximal weed reduction, Moderate weed reduction and Beneficial weed protection. Also for the off-field area, three SPG options are described, i.e. the 'Population recovery option' for non-target terrestrial plants, the 'Threshold option for vegetative growth of nontarget terrestrial plants' (this option is similar to the current procedure in the EU risk assessment) and the 'Threshold option for vegetative growth and generative reproduction of non-target terrestrial plants'. The described options serve to facilitate discussions on SPG and EAG at the EU level. This document explores and presents all options from a Dutch perspective. The agronomic consequences of the in-field and off-field options for specific protection goals have not been studied so far and need further elaboration and research.