Food webs unfold across a mosaic of micro and macro habitats, with each habitat coupled by mobile consumers that behave in response to local environmental conditions. Despite this fundamental characteristic of nature, research on how climate change will affect whole ecosystems has overlooked (i) that climate warming will generally affect habitats differently and (ii) that mobile consumers may respond to this differential change in a manner that may fundamentally alter the energy pathways that sustain ecosystems. This reasoning suggests a powerful, but largely unexplored, avenue for studying the impacts of climate change on ecosystem functioning. Here, we use lake ecosystems to show that predictable behavioral adjustments to local temperature differentials govern a fundamental structural shift across 54 food webs. Data show that the trophic pathways from basal resources to a cold-adapted predator shift toward greater reliance on a cold-water refuge habitat, and food chain length increases, as air temperatures rise. Notably, cold-adapted predator behavior may substantially drive this decoupling effect across the climatic range in our study independent of warmer-adapted species responses (for example, changes in nearshore species abundance and predator absence). Such modifications reflect a flexible food web architecture that requires more attention from climate change research. The trophic pathway restructuring documented here is expected to alter biomass accumulation, through the regulation of energy fluxes to predators, and thus potentially threatens ecosystem sustainability in times of rapid environmental change.species interactions | thermoregulation | trophic structure | habitat coupling | heterogeneity N atural systems are inherently complex entities, wherein organisms act as agents of material and biomass transport (1) weaving food webs through a mosaic thermal environment. Direct temperature effects on trophic interactions arise through thermal regulation of an organism's physiology and behavior (2-5). For ecotherms (that is, organisms whose body temperature is aligned with ambient temperature), several biological rates show unimodal responses to temperature (2, 3, 6), and correspondingly, studies have shown that consumption rates initially rise with warming to a peak rate and then fall rapidly approaching a critical temperature (6). Understanding the ways that these organism responses alter food webs, and how these food web responses affect ecosystem function, are key requirements to predicting climate change impacts on ecosystems (7-11).A simple way to think about temperature's effects on any single trophic interaction is through the general linear consumption function:ConsumptionĂ°per capitaĂ = a t s R;[1]where a is the attack rate, t s is the time searching, and R is the resource biomass density. The direct effects of temperature on an organism's ability to encounter and capture resources in a given habitat may largely depend on a, and t s (with potential indirect effects relative to the consumer throug...