“…To verify the superiority of the proposed TIGAM, 20 kinds of methods including both of traditional interpolation methods such as bilinear, bicubic and nearest interpolation, and advanced deep learning methods such as SRCNN (Super Resolution Convolutional Neural Network) [32], SubPixel [34], VDSR (Very Deep Super Resolution network) [39], FSRCNN (Fast Super Resolution Convolutional Neural Network) [33], EDSR (Enhanced Deep residual Super Resolution network) [35], SRDenseNet (Super Resolution DenseNet) [56], LAPSRN (LAPlacian Super Resolution Network) [57], RDN (Residual Dense Network) [58], RCAN (Residual Channel Attention Network) [36], DBPN (Deep Back-Projection Network) [59], RNAN (Residual Non-local Attention Network) [60], SRFBN (Super Resolution FeedBack Network) [61], SAN (Second-order Attention Network) [62], USRNET (Unfold Super Resolution Network) [41], RFANet (Residual Feature Aggregation Network) [40], CSNLA (Cross-Scale Non-Local Attention network) [63], NLSN (Non-Local Sparse Attention network) [64] SwinIR [44], Restormer [45] and WindTopo [31] etc are discussed in detail. Specifically, two categories of experiments are conducted, i.e.,…”