In this study, we proposed a system to reduce the speaker’s suffering from the strong light of a beam projector by applying regional brightness control over the screen. Since the original image and the projected one on the screen are quite different in area, brightness, and color, the proposed system first transforms them so that they have the same area and similar color tone. Then, to accurately determine the difference between those images, we have introduced a SSIM map, which is a perception-based method of measuring image similarity. Accordingly, an image segmentation model is used to determine the speaker’s silhouette from the SSIM map. We applied a couple of well-trained segmentation models, such as Selfie and DeepLab-v3, provided with MediaPipe. The experimental results showed the operability of the proposed system and that it determines most of a lecturer’s body area on the screen. To closely evaluate the system’s effectiveness, we have measured error rates consisting of false-positive and false-negative errors in the confusion matrix. With the measured results, the error rates appeared so insignificant and stable that the proposed system provides a practical effect for the speakers, especially in the case of applying DeepLab-v3. With the results, it is implied that an accurate segmentation model can considerably elevate the effectiveness of the system.