DOI: 10.1002/aepp.13260
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Wine consumers' demand for social sustainability labeling: Evidence for the fair labor claim

Abstract: This study aims to investigate consumer preferences for social sustainability labeling for wine. We explored the potential demand for a fair labor label that certifies wine produced through the fair treatment of workers in Italy, since the exploitation of migrant labor has become a preeminent issue in the country. We conducted a choice experiment on a sample of 500 consumers. Results indicated that they were willing to pay a considerable premium for wine produced by wineries that respects workers' rights and t… Show more

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Cited by 19 publications
(9 citation statements)
References 65 publications
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“…It can be important sharing of information on the best practices, managerial, entrepreneurial and different types of innovation activities with involvement in the acceptance of innovative winemaking, including wine labelling and packaging with the segmentation of the Hungarian wine market (Hledik and Harsanyi, 2019). Wine labelling and packing as a part of marketing and sale strategies in the wine value chain can drive consumers’ demand and willingness to pay a premium price for a brand, such as for social sustainability labelling with the fair labour claim (Scozzafava et al , 2021; Piracci et al , 2022). These activities with possible spill-over effects between wine farms can increase the selling price of wine causing the value of output, and thus, can play an important role in improving efficiency and spatial regional competitiveness (Delord et al , 2015; Nesselhauf et al , 2017).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…It can be important sharing of information on the best practices, managerial, entrepreneurial and different types of innovation activities with involvement in the acceptance of innovative winemaking, including wine labelling and packaging with the segmentation of the Hungarian wine market (Hledik and Harsanyi, 2019). Wine labelling and packing as a part of marketing and sale strategies in the wine value chain can drive consumers’ demand and willingness to pay a premium price for a brand, such as for social sustainability labelling with the fair labour claim (Scozzafava et al , 2021; Piracci et al , 2022). These activities with possible spill-over effects between wine farms can increase the selling price of wine causing the value of output, and thus, can play an important role in improving efficiency and spatial regional competitiveness (Delord et al , 2015; Nesselhauf et al , 2017).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Nevertheless, to the question "Would you buy a bottle of wine with the SOStain certification logo on the label?" most of the interviewees (72.3%) answered "Yes" [60], and when asked why, the most representative answers were "Because sustainable production is often of high quality" (93%) and "Because I contribute to environmental protection" (95%) [60]. These data show how the consumer is attentive to the sustainability of the products she/he buys, but also to the respect for the environment and to the safeguarding of the earth [60].…”
Section: Consumer Insightmentioning
confidence: 98%
“…most of the interviewees (72.3%) answered "Yes" [60], and when asked why, the most representative answers were "Because sustainable production is often of high quality" (93%) and "Because I contribute to environmental protection" (95%) [60]. These data show how the consumer is attentive to the sustainability of the products she/he buys, but also to the respect for the environment and to the safeguarding of the earth [60]. The consumer also recognizes a positive relation between sustainability and quality, an aspect that leads to the idea that, for a winery, it should be positive to communicate the adherence to SOStain Program, and putting the logo on the label would increase the perceived value for consumers [61].…”
Section: Consumer Insightmentioning
confidence: 99%
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