A hedonic function relating the retail price of Chilean wine in the US market to a number of relevant variables was estimated. The variables were: quality ratings, aging, grape variety, valley of origin and membership to an association. Estimates for the percentage impact and marginal prices of these variables are provided. The overall conclusion is that variety and location are more influential in the commercial success of wines than quality ratings and aging, suggesting that oenological practices cannot outweigh judgemental errors in these long-term choices.Additional key words: hedonic function, marginal price, percentage impact.
Resumen Nota corta. Determinantes del precio de los vinos chilenos en el mercado de Estados Unidos: un enfoque hedónicoSe estimó una función de precios hedónicos asociando el precio al detalle del vino chileno en el mercado estadounidense a los siguientes atributos visibles: nota de calidad, envejecimiento, cepa, valle de origen y pertenencia a alguna asociación de productores. Se estimó el impacto porcentual y el precio marginal de cada uno de estos atributos. La conclusión general de este estudio fue que la cepa y el valle de origen («terroir») son considerablemente más influyentes en el éxito comercial de un vino que la calidad, medida por juicios expertos, y el envejecimiento. Ello es importante porque indica que malas decisiones de largo plazo no pueden después modificarse mediante tratamientos enológicos (envejecimiento).Palabras clave adicionales: función hedónica de precios, impacto porcentual, precio marginal.The Chilean wine industry has experienced a remarkable expansion over the past decade, based primarily in the advantages offered by the international markets. Thus, while in 1990 most of the wine produced in Chile was consumed domestically and exports accounted for only 7% of total production, in 2002 about 60% of the Chilean wines were sold in the export market. In the same period of time the industry more than doubled production, passing from 2.6 to 5.9´10 6 hl, and the value of exports grew from US$ 80 million, in 1990, to US$ 608 million, in 2002 (Foster and Valdés, 2001; SAG, 2003). Wine is now one of the most important single export commodities in Chilean trade, as it contributes with about 11% of all forestry and agricultural exports.In economic theory, consumer demand is normally derived from a utility function, a theoretical construct that defines preferences over the array of commodities placed at the consumer's disposal. These preferences are based on the ordinal utility (i.e. satisfaction) obtained from the quality attributes of each commodity, as perceived by an ordinary consumer. Thus, it can be hypothesized that prices are the value that consumers attach to the bundle of quality attributes of each commodity, given certain budget restrictions and limited commodity supplies. The determination of market values based on commodity attributes can be carried out through the estimation of a hedonic price