C. 1991. A spotlight, circular-plot method for counting Brown hares in the hedgerow system. Acta theriol. 36: 255 -265.Adjusting the hunting offtake of Brown hare Lepiis europaeus (Pallas, 1778) populations requires accurate and reliable density estimates. None of the census techniques currently available is appropriate for large-scale management programs in closed habitats such as the hedgerow system, except the circular-plot method primarily conceived for forest birds. This technique was adapted to hare counts by replacing the original auditive detection by a visual one, and the radius of the plots was the length of a rotating spotlight beam. Other features of the method relied on results concerning census methodology (sampling design, number of counts), hare biology (mobility, activity pattern) and the specific problem of hare counts (detectability, management implications). Density estimates were given with a ± 32.6% accuracy, that was not affected by hare mobility, climatic conditions (though foggy and drizzly nights should be avoided), observer attention, or by the spacing of the points. Due to highly aggregative hare distribution, density intervals are proposed with a method for calculating their limits. Hare detectability was closely related to vegetation height so that our method could be used only when cover is low. The method is reliable, inexpensive, and the sampling design can easily be adjusted to local conditions.