Cu wire is drastically replacing Au wire due to surge of Au price. However, Cu wire package has poorer humidity reliability than Au wire package. Although Pd coated Cu wire package could show better humidity reliability than Cu wire, it is still worse than Au. Enough information regarding failure mechanism was not available. For failure analysis, x-section has been widely used to identify the Cu/Al IMC after failure. However, the x-section is the results of corrosion reaction and doesn't show the IMC status before corrosion. Therefore, the failure mechanism could not be estimated precisely. We used chemical model simulation to predict what kinds of IMC could be created after wire bonding, then which IMC could be corroded more easily during HAST. The Desorption energy was used to estimate reactivity between specified Cu/Al IMC and chlorine ion. The simulation suggested that the formation of Cu rich and Cu poor Cu/Al IMC and the Cu rich IMC was estimated to be corroded by chlorine ion. These chemical model simulations are the effective way to have fundamental understanding of the mechanism of Cu/Al IMC corrosion. Furthermore, chemical model simulation for Pd coated Cu wire was done to explore the effect of Pd existence and distribution of Pd in Cu/Al IMC. Dispersed Pd contributed to create new IMC of Cu/Al/Pd instead of easily corroded Cu rich Cu/Al IMC. Cu and Al diffusion and also Cl ion diffusion were inhibited by Pd at surface. Even Cl ion catching effect by Pd is also discussed.To improve humidity reliability performance with Cu wire, we developed new ion trapper using chemical model simulation technique. Developed molding compounds with the ion trapper showed significant improvement at bias HAST with Cu wire, which was even better than conventional Cu wire compatible molding compounds.
IntroductionOne of the concerns to use Cu wire has been failure during humidity reliability test such as PCT, unbias HAST and bias HAST. [1,2] Failure mode of humidity reliability test was open with observed corroded layer and crack. We also confirmed that open failure at positive pad at bias HAST.[3] Conventional Br contained molding compound showed worse HAST results. However, even green molding compound showed HAST failure. We explored the factors of humidity reliability failure for Cu wire packages. As a result, extracted chlorine ion from molding compounds turned to be major factor while pH of extracted water turned to be minor factor through bias HAST. We also examined impact of wire bonding strength, bias and reliability condition.