Numerous critical weather occasions have influenced humanity throughout the years. For quite a while climate checking was to a great extent a leisure activity of eager beginners. Yet in the course of the most recent century, it has advanced into an efficient and expert worldwide action that mirrors its vital significance for an extensive variety of economic, natural, civil assurance and farming exercises. Present day climate observing frameworks and systems are intended to be developed in a financially savvy way. This requires the aggregate life-cycle cost of an observing framework is minimized, and one approach to do this is to minimize the maintenance of the weather monitoring framework. Utilizing a solid-state system to quantify the weather, including the wind speed and bearing, is principal to minimize hardware adjusting and costs. The conventional weather monitoring framework comprised of individual sensors to quantify one meteorological variable, each associated with an data collection gadget or recorder. Modern day innovation has permitted the combination of a few sensors into one coordinated weather station that can be for all time situated at one site, or transported to a site where localized climate is required. The fundamental aim of this paper is to design a remote weather monitoring system which allows the monitoring of weather parameters and provides continuous surveillance at the same time. IOT based Remote Weather Monitoring Station is a fully-fledged open source weather station which is effective in measuring temperature, humidity, and light intensity with high precision and the values of measured parameters are plotted on open cloud "ThingSpeak". The system is also equipped with a camera to provide the live streaming of the area to be monitored. The controlling action is accomplished using an Embedded-PC (Raspberry Pi) or Arduino board with WIFI extension interface. In this paper the weather station is currently controlled using Raspberry Pi board and programming is done in python language.