The wireless sensor networks (WSN's) is the type of network in which sensor nodes sense the environmental conditions and pass sensed information to the base station. To reduce energy consumption of the network LEACH protocol is applied which divide whole network in clusters and in cluster, cluster heads are selected on the basis of energy, distance. The sinkhole attack is triggered in the network which reduce network performance. The mutual authentication technique is proposed which detect malicious nodes from the network. The performance of proposed technique is tested in NS2 software in terms of various parameters Keywords: Active, Attack attack, LEACH , Passive attack , Sinkhole, WSN.
I.INTRODUCTION Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a combination of tiny light weight wireless sensors with computing elements. These sensor nodes are generally cheaper in price, with limited energy storage and limited processing capabilities. Wireless sensor network consist of large number of these sensor nodes (usually hundred or thousand of nodes). These types of networks are highly distributed and deployed in hostile environments [1]. Wireless sensor networks monitor the system or surroundings by measuring physical parameters, for example, moistness, weight and temperature. WSN's are most appropriate for applications like natural life checking, military order, shrewd interchanges, modern quality control, and perception of basic bases, brilliant structures, circulated apply autonomy, movement observing, inspecting human heart rates, and so forth. . The battery present within the nodes of WSN is of smaller size. Also the nodes are located at really far distances where human is not able to reach. So the major concern within the WSNs is the usage of battery within them. This also affects the overall lifetime of the nodes and thus the deployment of the network. More often, than the nodes are consist of a radio transceiver and a microcontroller powered by a battery. As well as a few kind of sensor for detecting light, heat, humidity, temperature, etc. Since there is no immovable topology in these networks, one of the terrible challenges is routing testimony from its source to the destination. Ordinarily these routing protocols draw influence from two fields; WSNs and mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). WSN routing protocols hand over the required functionality but cannot stem the high frequency of topology changes. Whereas, MANET routing protocols can contract with flexibility in the network but they are designed for two way communication that in sensor networks is often not needed. Protocols designed precisely for WSNs are virtually always multi-hop and consistently adaptations of existent protocols[2] The size of various constraints such as battery size, processors, information storing memory and so on are important within these networks. The consumption of energy is required to be advanced within the networks with the help of various optimization algorithms. Various time constraints are present within the detected and routi...