The wavelet transform is a well-known signal analysis method in several engineering disciplines. In image processing and pattern recognition, the wavelet transform is used in many applications for image coding as well as feature extraction purposes. It can be used to describe a given object shape by wavelet descriptors (WD). Thus, it is used to recognize objects according to their contour shape by deriving a number of WD and comparing them with the WD of stored contour patterns. For our method, we use a periodical angle function derived from an extracted object contour. In order to apply the WD, the Mexican Hat can be used as the mother wavelet. In this paper, the method of object shape recognition using wavelet descriptors is described coherently and includes details relating to the method of applying the periodical angle function and the derivation of the formulas for the Haar as well as Mexican Hat wavelet descriptors. To evaluate the results of object recognition when using wavelet descriptors taking into account the dependence on the starting point, the paper describes a sufficient method for the comparison of wavelet descriptors using the minimum distance matrix.