To cite this version: It is well known that quantum entanglement makes possible certain tasks in quantum information theory. However, there are also quantum tasks that display the quantum advantage without entanglement. Distinguishing classical and quantum correlations in quantum systems is therefore of both practical and fundamental importance. Realistic quantum systems are not closed and therefore it is important to study the various correlations when the system loses its coherence due to interactions with the environment. In this paper, we study in detail the dynamics of different kinds of correlations, classical correlation, quantum discord, and entanglement in open quantum systems, in particular a two-qubit system evolving under quantum dynamical semigroups of Kossakowski-type of completely positive maps. In such an environment classical and quantum correlations can even persist asymptotically. By analytic and numerical analysis, we find that the quantum discord is larger than the classical correlation for asymptotic states. Furthermore, we show that the quantum discord is more resistant to the action of the environment than the quantum entanglement and it can persist even in the asymptotic long-time regime.