: Meticulous and systematic observation of the menstrual cycle allows a woman to monitor her procreative health, which has great diagnostic value. It gives the opportunity to learn about the natural rhythm of fertility and, in the case of observing abnormalities, reduces the time until the first medical consultation. Reliable learning of observation takes time and is carried out through a certified teacher of a particular method of fertility awarness.. Therefore, this skill from the area of prevention and diagnosis should occupy an important place in the teaching of both health care workers and the education of women themselves. In Poland, there are several non-governmental non-profit organizations that provide professional teaching support in the field of health-promoting education and natural family planning. Method: I and III of self- cycle observation chart were studied. The total number of analyzed charts was 74. The study was based upon the SPSS Statistics package version 25. The p < 0.05 level was considered statistically significant. Results: The majority of women with high self-observation skills in menstrual cycle charting using the double-check symptom-thermal method were single , with a university degree (53.65%, n=22), learning the method at the Lublin branch of Polish Association of Natural Family Planning Teachers (51.21%, n=21), motivated to learn charting for procreative health monitor (75.60%, n=31), with no support from a husband/fiancé/partner (60.96%, n=25). Conclusions: : The study group of women was homogeneous in terms of the eligibility criteria applied, i.e. they were all at reproductive age, had typical cycles and did not use contraception methods. The women's high skills in cycles self-observation are the result of the excellent quality of the NFP teacher work with the client, the ability to communicate and convey the principles of self-observation skills as well as the user's motivation to keep charting their cycles. The main goal of the women learning the method was to monitor their own procreative health.