DOI: 10.1242/jcs.03348
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Wnt/β-catenin mediates radiation resistance of Sca1+ progenitors in an immortalized mammary gland cell line

Abstract: radiation. Expression of active ␤-catenin enhanced selfrenewal preferentially in the Sca1 + cells, whereas suppressing ␤-catenin with a dominant negative, ␤-engrailed, decreased self-renewal of the Sca1 + cells. Understanding the radioresistance of progenitor cells may be an important factor in improving the treatment of cancer. The COMMA-D␤-geo cell line may provide a useful model to study the signaling pathways that control mammary progenitor cell regulation.

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Cited by 161 publications
(123 citation statements)
References 56 publications
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“…Furthermore, the expression of Sca-1 early in the tumorigenic process suggests a primary role in tumorinitiating cells, as demonstrated by the marked reduction of tumor growth in Sca-1 knockdown cells. The role of Sca-1 in tumorigenesis may be especially relevant to our understanding of the link between Sca-1 expression and tumor formation (7,9,32) and metastatic behavior (6,10,33), as well as to the radiation resistance of Sca-1-positive mammary epithelial progenitor cells (34,35). In relation to our findings, expression of dominant-negative TβRII was found to increase Sca-1 expression in mammary epithelial cells (36), although no mechanism for this effect was presented.…”
Section: Gdf10 Activates Smad3contrasting
confidence: 48%
“…Furthermore, the expression of Sca-1 early in the tumorigenic process suggests a primary role in tumorinitiating cells, as demonstrated by the marked reduction of tumor growth in Sca-1 knockdown cells. The role of Sca-1 in tumorigenesis may be especially relevant to our understanding of the link between Sca-1 expression and tumor formation (7,9,32) and metastatic behavior (6,10,33), as well as to the radiation resistance of Sca-1-positive mammary epithelial progenitor cells (34,35). In relation to our findings, expression of dominant-negative TβRII was found to increase Sca-1 expression in mammary epithelial cells (36), although no mechanism for this effect was presented.…”
Section: Gdf10 Activates Smad3contrasting
confidence: 48%
“…The notion that ␤-catenin promotes cell survival after irradiation is supported by studies showing that Wnt ligands promote survival in other cell types after irradiation, for instance in head and neck cancers and in mammary progenitor cells. 15,17 These data suggest that the difference in regulation of ␤-catenin in response to irradiation between different cell types could in part be responsible for variability in the response to irradiation. Because ␤-catenin acts to increase proliferation rate and maintain cell viability, its activation by irradiation in fibroblasts likely acts to make this cell type relatively resistant to irradiation.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 91%
“…12 The regulation of ␤-catenin by irradiation has been demonstrated in epithelial cells, where the intracellular localization is altered in a way that inhibits ␤-cateninmediated signaling. [13][14][15] In epithelial cells, activation of ␤-catenin-mediated signaling usually results in improved cell survival after irradiation. 13,[15][16][17] Because canonical Wnt signaling is activated in fibrotic processes and plays a crucial role in normal wound repair, it is possible that ␤-catenin signaling is a key component mediating the effect of irradiation on fibroblast dysregulation.…”
confidence: 99%
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“…Tumors that recur are often associated with radioresistance with evidence suggesting that breast cancer stem/progenitor cells are enriched after radiation, because those cells are particularly resistant to radiation (23). Studies using both an immortalized mouse mammary epithelial cell line (Comma-D) and a human breast cancer cell line (MCF-7) demonstrated that stem/ progenitor cells were more resistant to radiation as compared with the bulk of these cells (22,24). More effective therapies will thus require the selective targeting of this crucial cell population.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%