In the current prospective observational study, the impact of short-term separation on female spouses of male military officers who were scheduled to participate in a resident training program was evaluated. Using pre- and post-survey designs, participants were assessed 2 weeks prior to separation and 2 weeks prior to their husbands' returns. Participants completed the following scales: the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, Perceived Stress Scale, Relationship Assessment Scale, and Beck Depression Inventory II Scale. No significant differences were found in perceived social support, resilience, perceived stress, relationship satisfaction, or depression scores pre- and post-separation. As predicted, depression scores were positively correlated with perceived stress scores and negatively correlated with resiliency and relationship satisfaction scores. Women with higher levels of resilience experienced lower levels of post-separation stress. [Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 54(6), 45-51.].