In India, the majority of people believe that any form of mass media can reflect society. Advertising is one of the most important and influential media products. Advertisements (Ads) are known for being convincing, particularly television ads, which are thought to be the most successful kind of mass-market advertising. Advertising serves as a critical agent of socialization in modern developed societies and is used to maintain specific social structures. The current research article uses discourse analysis to examine how the idea of women's employment is presented in selected Indian television commercials. This study primarily focuses on the use of language in advertisements that are used to control people's thoughts. After analysis, it was found that when the majority of household advertisements, label women in a subordinate position, some brands challenge these stereotypes. The storylines focused on women's empowerment are receiving a warm reception from society. Advertisements that portray women positively have more chances of success, making the brand unique and standing out among the mass.