The article examines the repertoire of Russian media covering the problem of domestic violence against women, as well as the crisis of the Russian family. It was revealed that in the repertoire of the Russian media there are mainly publications that are aimed at highlighting activities related to the adoption of a law on domestic violence. Among other important issues are the following topics: the identification and replication of individual cases of violence that caused a wide public outcry; promotion of research results and opinions of non-profit organization experts who dealing with the problem of domestic violence; articles about measures to bring Russian legislation in line with the requirements of an international convention. The author comes to the conclusion that the information space is filled with mostly negative publications that form an opinion about the serious problems of intra-family communication and the crisis of the Russian family on the example of facts related to the issue of domestic violence against women. At the same time, little attention is paid to highlighting the facts of positive intra-family communication and fulfilling the goals specified in the family development policy on the promotion and reproduction in the media of family interaction practices that are aimed at the formation and development of strong Russian families. According to the author, the Russian media space needs more active coverage of positive practices of interaction within the family in order to fix them in the minds of Russians. It will turn out to be a more effective mechanism for the formation of healthy family relationships than rooting the idea of the family as a problematic and crisis social unit.