Female prisoners are a vulnerable group in society, often exposed to emotional deprivation and violent experiences and in need of support and attention due to mental health problems. The purpose of this study is to find out whether logotherapy, as an existential approach that emphasizes finding the true meaning in life, can affect imprisoned women’s level of hope, as well as investigating the relationship between participants’ criminological and demographic factors.
This study comprised a clinical trial with pre-test and post-test, carried out in two groups of intervention and control. The research environment for the study was the Prison Training Center of Shiraz. In total, 90 imprisoned women participated in the study, with the intervention group attending 10 sessions of group logotherapy. Two questionnaires, the Miller Hope scale and demographic and criminological information questionnaires were used for assessment. Participants were evaluated in three periods before, immediately after and one month after the intervention.
The results showed that logotherapy had a significant effect on increasing the feeling of hopefulness (p = 0.001). Therefore, using the logotherapy approach in other vulnerable groups is recommended.
This study can be a basis for further research due to limited studies on the mental health of women prisoners in the country.