Abstract-Womens' position in the society has been neglected, considered as a second-class citizen due to the social forces that include the perceived kodratperempuan (constructed woman's nature) norm that restrict their social engagement. The previous studies indicatethat the normis seen as the main restricting factor. Therefore, women's social engagement is restrictive and stagnant. The present research contends this finding and argues that it is not a fixed value as perceived by feminists, but rather a flexible one because it is nurtured. It maychange from time to time and is different from one place to another. Different from the feminist's stand, this study perceives that women in dealing with the restricting function of the constructed kodratperempuan often find ways to extend their role and status. It proves that, therefore, her social engagement is dynamic.Using a descriptive analytic method and Anthony Giddens's perspective of an agency, this study answers the research question "how Muslim women cadres of Posyandu in the Regency and City of Tasikmalaya tackle the barriers they faced in enabling and enacting leadership?" The researcher identifies internal and external factors that influence their perception of kodratand relates their attitudes to their social engagement as leaders of the cadres of Posyandu in the villages of this Regency and City. The data which were collected through observation, interview, and library review is interpreted in the nuance of cultural citizenship. The study finds that through these restricted rooms and opportunities perpetuated by the norm of the constructed kodrat, some female cadres initially take advantages of their supporting internal and external factors in tackling barriers in their leadership at Posyandu's activities. Later on, they manage to practice citizenship as men do, and to certain extents, they are even more creative and havemore a significant role rather than some men can do.