Characteristics of annual rings are reliable indicators of growth and wood quality in trees. The main objective of our study was to model the variation in annual ring attributes due to intensive silviculture and inherent regional differences in climate and site across a wide geographic range of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). Ring specific gravity and ring width of Douglas-fir were examined at five long-term Levels-Of-Growing-Stock (LOGS) installations, three in the US and two in Canada, covering a latitudinal gradient between 43°N and 50°N. At each location, increment cores were collected from replicated plots with three levels of stocking: control (unthinned), lightly thinned (70% basal area retention), and heavily thinned (30% basal area retention). X-ray densitometry analysis provided ring specific gravity and width profiles for 5676 rings from 134 trees. The reduction of stand density through repeated entries resulted in decreased ring specific gravity and increased ring width. A four-parameter mixed-effects logistic model was used to predict ring specific gravity using cambial age, stand density (as number of stems per hectare), and two climatic variables: average temperature from March to May and total precipitation from April to August. A three-parameter mixed-effects logistic model was used to predict ring width using cambial age, stand density (as stand density index), and total climatic moisture deficit of June and July. Both models indicated significant site differences that were included in the models through indicator variables. Ring specific gravity increased slightly with increasing average temperature from March to May and decreasing total precipitation from April to August. Predictions of ring specific gravity of Douglas-fir appear to be more sensitive to changes in temperature compared with changes in precipitation.
Résumé :Les caractéristiques des cernes annuels sont des indices fiables de la croissance et de la qualité du bois chez les arbres. Le principal objectif de notre étude consistait à modéliser la variation des attributs des cernes annuels attribuable à la sylviculture intensive et aux différences régionales inhérentes au climat et aux stations sur une vaste étendue géographique occupée par le douglas de Menzies (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). La densité et la largeur des cernes du douglas de Menzies ont été étudiées dans cinq endroits, trois aux États-Unis et deux au Canada, établis pour observer l'effet à long terme de la densité des tiges sur pied et couvrant un gradient latitudinal allant de 43°N à 50°N. À chaque endroit, des carottes ont été prélevées dans des placettes répliquées correspondant à trois niveaux de densité relative : témoin (pas d'éclaircie), éclaircie légère (rétention de 70 % de la surface terrière) et éclaircie forte (rétention de 30 % de la surface terrière). L'analyse par densitométrie aux rayons X a permis d'obtenir les profils de largeur et de densité de 5676 cernes provenant de 134 arbres. La réduction de la densité relative des ...