The long-term effects of large-scale disturbance on forest ecosystem processes and structure are poorly understood. To assess the effects of large-scale clear-cutting on the taxonomic and functional structure of collembolan assemblages, 18 plots were established in the Polish part of Białowieża Forest. All plots, situated in a mixed Tilio-Carpinetum broad-leaved forest, had eutrophic Cambisol developed on rich glacial deposits. The Collembola assemblages in the stands that had naturally regenerated on large-scale clear-cuts performed at the beginning of the 20 th century were compared to those in old-growth forests (i.e., the endpoint of stand development following stand-replacing disturbance). Collembolans, one of the most numerous soil microarthropods, are successfully used to assess the consequences of forest management and ecosystem restoration. Our study tested whether seven decades of spontaneous forest development after large-scale anthropogenic disturbance ensures the complete recovery of the soil Collembola. Using complementary taxonomic and life-form approaches, we provide evidence that the collembolan assemblages associated with the tree stands that had spontaneously developed in large harvesting plots distinctly differed from those in old-growth deciduous forests in this region despite seven decades of regenerative forest succession. The species diversity of the assemblages in the naturally regenerated tree stands was significantly lower, and their life-form structure was noticeably different from those in the reference forests. Moreover, the shift in the functional group structure of the collembolan assemblages in the stands that had regenerated after clear-cutting indicates that their activity seven decades after disturbance is concentrated mainly on the decomposition of the litter in the upper layers, whereas the processes controlled by these organisms in the deeper soil layers are not fully restored.2 of 18 because its ecological and economic consequences are unknown. Therefore, studies to elucidate the dynamic pattern exhibited by naturally regenerating forests are urgently needed, especially because the objects for such studies are currently available.Białowieża Forest, inscribed by UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on the World Heritage List, includes a complex of lowland forests that are characteristic of the Central European mixed forests terrestrial ecoregion. The area has exceptional conservation significance due to the scale of its old-growth forests, which include extensive undisturbed areas where natural processes occur. However, the wasteful exploitation of these precious forest stands has taken place over various periods in history. Such activity in Białowieża Forest occurred mainly during World War I in the years 1915-1918 by German occupants and shortly after that, in 1924-1929, by The Century European Timber Corporation. During these periods, 4 million and 2.5 million cubic meters of wood were cut down, respectively, mainly via clear-cutting [6...