A 20-year-old female born to nonconsanguineous parents was seen in our outpatient department with complaints of raised skin lesions all over the body since birth. There was a history of darkening and thickening of the lesions with age. The growth and developmental history were normal and there was no history of seizures or learning difficulty, altered vision or difficulty in hearing.On examination there were multiple pigmented macules and hyperkeratotic papules arranged in streaks and whorls over the forehead, left side of face extending from the left lower eyelid upto mid face, as a linear streak from near the angle of mouth left side to the neck, as a linear streak over the temple and adjoining the upper eyelid and side of face on the right side. Similar lesions were seen as streaks on both sides of the neck [Table/ Fig-1], as linear streaks extending from posterior aspect of neck to the upper back [Table/ Fig-2], as whorls over sides of chest and abdomen and as linear streaks over both lower limbs. The oral and genital mucosa were found to be normal. Histopathology of the lesion taken from left leg revealed hyperkeratosis with moderate acanthosis [Table/ Fig-3]. There was uniform pigmentation over the basal zone. In the dermis there were prominent hair follicles and sebaceous glands. The examination of other systems did not reveal any abnormality. There were no skeletal deformities. Examination of the nervous system was also observed to be normal. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain did not reveal any abnormality. IQ testing was done and the patient was found to be of normal intelligence.