Currently, small to medium enterprises (SMEs) are of major government concern in improving occupational health and safety (OHS) due to their low implementation.However, a lack of attention has been paid to the problems of OHS in SMEs. Even if the current OHS laws cover SME workers, there is still a lack of implementation.Observance of regulation, monitoring, and protection of employees is needed to implement optimal workplace safety and health. One of the important factors that influence the observance of safety regulation is the safety climate. The safety climate plays an important role in the safety culture and is mirrored through the attitude expressed in the worker's OHS behavior. This survey describes the government's efforts to provide workplace health promotion and its relation to the occupational safety climate of Batik SMEs in the Pekalongan Regency. This research uses a descriptive design intended to develop the workplace safety climate of Batik workers after receiving health promotion in the workplace. The instrument used was the Nordic Safety Climate Questionnaire. The result showed that after health promotion was conducted, the average health indices were sufficient. Of all seven dimensions, only the fifth dimension, workers' safety priority and risk non-acceptance, had consistent low scores. This showed that workplace health promotion enhanced the profile of the safety climate. The study concluded that new breakthrough efforts to conduct workplace health promotion were still needed in order to improve OHS implementation in the Batik SMEs, and an innovative approach is needed to get the attention of SME workers.