The technological advances we are witnessing today have stimulated the creation of many 3D virtual environments for various purposes, from entertainment to industry to education. While the majority of these environments are perfectly suited for the healthy population, we should not forget about impaired people living among us. Regarding children’s education, one may wonder how impaired children handle them. Do they find them usable and attractive? How well do they handle basic activities in 3D environments, including orientation and interaction with objects? The experiment presented in this article provides answers to these questions within a specific setup. The experiment used a custom web application with several 3D virtual environments in a desktop virtual reality setting. The participants were 12 children, aged 8–14, with multiple impairments, predominantly hearing impairment, borderline and mild degree of mental retardation, and inferior communication skills. The answers can be regarded as positive and are based on results gathered in the form of completion times and the System Usability Scale questionnaire scores. The article also reports on a significant relation found between completion times and questionnaire scores. Future research directions, including those related to the Metaverse concept, are discussed, too.