Introduction: Bulgarian folk dances (BgFD) are a national cultural treasure and intangible cultural heritage. By studying BgFD the students from the university get in touch with the Bulgarian culture, build skills to communicate and work together. Today, the WHO recommends physical activity, such as BgFD, as the most effective strategy for chronic diseases prevention. Nationally and globally, many people choose to practice BgFD. As a result, BgFD are also an innovative scientific field that attracts research interest at a health promotion level. Aim: The aim is to investigate the impact of BgFD (as a selective discipline) on students' health and the place of BgFD in the academic curriculum.
Materials and Methods:The quantitative study included 184 students from different courses and majors, divided into two groups, studying BgFD and sports. Instruments: Three questionnaires were used -one standardized for stress assessment and two designed according to the objectives of the study, applied at the beginning and end of the semester. The statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics v.23. The driving hypothesis of the project is that BgFD are equivalent as a physical activity to sports.
Results and Conclusion:BgFD have a beneficial effect, as well as sports, on the organization of daily living and study, on the levels of stress, and on the overall health. BgFD are a social phenomenon with an emotional component that overcomes personal and national boundaries. BgFD are a discipline that should have a "reserved place" in the academic curricula.