Over tbe past thirty years tbe spread of neoliberal ideology bas put collective mecbanisms for tbe social regulation of labor markets under severe stress. On tbe otber band, social norms of fairness, particularly witb regard to rewards for work, are very strong. We argue tbat neoliberal practices bave spread less widely and deeply tban is commonly imagined. We use ICTWSS data for 34 OECD countries to construct an index of corporatism for eacb country and a cross-national average for countries in eacb of six welfare models. Over tbe period 1960-2010 corporatism declines dramatically in Anglo-Saxon countries but converges to tbe Continental European mean for the tbree main groups of European countries. Tbis circumstantial evidence suggests tbat norms of fairness in tbe social regulation of labor markets are at least resilient to tbe encroacbment of neoliberal labor market practices.