Using micro data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), we first document how having a temporary contract in Spain is associated to lower levels of on-the-job training (OJT). Next, we find that this OJT gap is positively correlated with gaps in the literacy and numeracy scores achieved by these two types of workers in the PIAAC study. Although we choose Spain as a case study of a dual labor market, we also provide cross-country evidence showing that OJT gaps are lower in those European labor markets where dualism is less entrenched than in those where it is more extended.Keywords Dual labor market · On-the-job training · Cognitive skills · Severance payWe are grateful to the Editor (Nezih Guner), two anonymous referees, Andrea Bassanini, Roman Fossati, Andrea Ichino, Greg Jolivet, Stepan Jurajda and Helene Turon, as well as participants in the CAGE conference on "Education, Human Capital and Labor Market Outcomes" (Venice), ESSLE 2014 (Ammersee) and seminars at Bristol, IMT-Lucca and Padua for useful comments and suggestions that improved the paper. We also wish to thank Nicolas Escribano for excellent research assistance.