“…The SOII includes only those injuries and illnesses that are required to be recorded under Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordkeeping rules (excluding, for example, workplace injuries requiring first‐aid only) and specifically excludes self‐employed individuals, workers on farms with fewer than 11 employees, private household workers, workers whose employers are regulated by federal agencies other than OSHA, federal government workers, and, until recently, state and local government workers (US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics ). WC coverage varies between states but may exclude small employers, the self‐employed, specific occupations, and, depending on the state, certain types of work‐related illness and injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome (Sengupta, Reno, and Burton ). In addition, some covered workers may not report eligible illnesses or injuries to their employers or file WC claims, because of concerns about employer or co‐worker retaliation for injury reporting, administrative barriers, and access to alternative health insurance (Boden, Biddle, and Spieler ; Azaroff, Levenstein, and Wegman ; Strunin and Boden ; Fan et al.…”