Future institutions and enterprises, called virtual organizations are formed by society as entirely decentralized and distributed organizations. In virtual organizations, new forms of intellectual human cooperation smooth traditional competition. The place of traditional hierarchy is replaced by cooperation coordination. Cooperation economy in virtual organizations going out of their framework, conditioned by factors of the society organization as integrity, becomes a modification of economy of societal integrity, so-called new entity economy. The personality of human work as well as work organization is changing. The work and people's interdependence problems and human work organization depend on virtual cooperation in real-time and a communication environment of storing and exchanging resources and coordination of documents' circle. The organization of human cooperation is comprised of two factors: first, a computer and information factor that promotes the creation and improvement of information resources, synthesis of processing methods, and information environment helping team-work; second, a communication and organizational factor that incorporates the problems of the synthesis of storing structures, computer information exchange, and interactive direct communication.