Abstract. Geologic events like volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis
hurt nearby people and stimulate the curiosity of people farther away, thus
providing opportunities to engage the public to be more interested to learn
about Earth processes. Geoscientists are increasingly using social media
such as Twitter to explain to the public what caused these events, and videos
provide an especially vivid way to reach this audience. However, it is still
unclear how to create, evaluate, and disseminate videos on timely natural
events to communicate geosciences. To address this challenge and
opportunity, we analyzed the impact of 33 short geoscience educational
(GeoEd) videos that we created and posted on YouTube between 2018 and 2020.
These include 12 videos on timely geologic events (denoted Geonews videos) and 21
videos that are not specially about timely geologic topics (denoted General GeoEd
videos), all of which were similarly advertised and have similar lengths. By
comparing the performance of the Geonews and General GeoEd videos, we
conclude the following points: (1) the YouTube audience is consistently interested in Geonews
videos, but some General GeoEd videos are more popular; (2) Geonews videos may
trigger more meaningful dialogues than General GeoEd videos, especially for
local audiences; (3) the “golden period” of Geonews videos engaging YouTube
audiences is within 3 weeks after posting; (4) the Geonews audience tends to
be younger and more diverse than the General GeoEd video audience; (5) creating Geonews videos can be a promising strategy for geoscientists to
engage public audiences on YouTube-like social media.