Digital transformation is the way forward for all businesses. The technology is advancing at a rapid pace and the companies need to adapt to the change, not just to take advantage of the enormous opportunities it provides but even to stay relevant in this volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity world. This study aims to define the concept of digital transformation and what it means in today’s business scenario. It helps to understand the different stages of digital maturity, identify the barriers in adopting different technologies and provide solutions to overcome those challenges.
This is a qualitative study in which opinions of the digital transformation experts were collected using a qualitative questionnaire. Natural language processing (NLP) and text mining techniques were applied along with a thorough analysis of the text to generate the results.
The study was able to uncover – what it means to be digitally transformed, different challenges an organization faces during the digital transformation journey and their potential solutions.
The existing literature on the topic is scattered and does not provide a roadmap for a company to adopt digital transformation. This study aims to fill up the gap and cover various aspects of the whole transformation process. The uniqueness of the study lies in the use of NLP techniques to perform text analytics on the data.