The activity in sensory cortices and the prefrontal cortex (PFC) throughout the delay interval of working memory (WM) tasks refl ect two aspects of WM-quality and quantity, respectively. The delay activity in sensory cortices is fi ne-tuned to sensory information and forms the neural basis of the precision of WM storage, while the delay activity in the PFC appears to represent behavioral goals and filters out irrelevant distractions, forming the neural basis of the quantity of task-relevant information in WM. The PFC and sensory cortices interact through different frequency bands of neuronal oscillation (theta, alpha, and gamma) to fulfi ll goal-directed behaviors.Keywords: working memory; prefrontal cortex; capacity limit; memory precision; neuronal oscillations ·Review·
IntroductionWorking memory (WM) refers to the cognitive processes of maintaining and storing information in the short term (usually seconds) for subsequent goal-directed action [1][2][3] . Persistent activity in both sensory cortices and association areas (especially the prefrontal cortex, PFC) throughout the delay interval of a WM task after sensory stimulus presentation (sample) are usually considered to be critical for WM maintenance, and to bridge the temporal gap between the sample and the subsequent contingent response (see reviews [4,5] ). However, with regard to WM the role of the delay activity in sensory cortices has been thought to differ from that of the PFC. The former has been thought to represent and store selective sensory information and the latter has been considered to exert attentional bias and cognitive control over the former (see reviews [6,7] ).Despite the vast storage in human long-term memory, WM has been demonstrated to have a capacity limited by the number of items [8,9] and this is strongly correlated with general cognitive ability [10,11] . Recent advances in studying visual WM have shown a precision limit of representations in WM besides the capacity limit [12][13][14][15][16] .Combined with the above findings, we propose that delay activity in the sensory cortices and PFC reflect the quality and quantity of representations in WM, respectively. Specifically, in this review, quantity refers to how many items/slots are stored in working memory, and quality refers to how precisely the features of each item/slot are represented in WM.
Sensory Cortices and the Quality of Working
MemoryNeurons in the PFC have been shown to respond to sensory stimuli in WM tasks [17,18] . Compared with those PFC neurons, neurons in sensory cortices appear to be more selectively tuned to stimulus features in WM tasks Neurosci Bull April 1, 2015, 31(2): 175-182 176 and consequently to maintain high-fi delity representations of stimulus information in the service of WM [19] .Some human imaging as well as neurophysiological studies in non-human primates have indicated an absence of persistent activity in early sensory regions [20][21][22][23][24] . However, other primate studies have revealed persistent modulation of neuronal activity i...