This study aims to determine the effect of workload and supervisor support on job satisfaction, life satisfaction, anxiety, and depression with work-life balance as a mediator. The research data was collected using an online questionnaire and found 743 female workers in the Greater Jakarta area with a minimum working period of one year at their current workplace and having their direct supervisor in the research sample. However, the data that can be used for processing are only 714 samples due to incomplete data that cannot be used in research. Lisrel 8.8 was used for data processing using a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. SEM results show that workload and supervisor support had a significant impact on work-life balance, and work-life balance had a negative impact on anxiety and depression while having a good impact on job satisfaction and life satisfaction. On the other hand, work-life balance effectively mediates the effects of workload and supervisor support on job satisfaction, life satisfaction, anxiety, and depression. The company needs to pay attention to the workload provided to female workers. Thus it is expected to support and maintain the satisfaction of the workers, which is also supported by work-life balance.