<p>The outbreak of COVID-19 caused severe disruption to most sectors of the global economy, creating a spectre of fear, anxiety and uncertainty. The education sector has been one of the worst affected by the pandemic. The education sector is one of the heavily affected sectors. The pandemic forced educational institutions worldwide to close, cancel classes and shift towards remote working and online teaching. The purpose of this study is to investigate the implication of the COVID-19 pandemic on private higher education. Moreover, the study's main objective is to assess the pandemic's academic management, especially in private higher education. For this, different landscapes were examined, including pre, during and Post COVID-19, focusing on the post-COVID-19 implications. In addition, various publications and surveys have been analysed to find out about the COVID-19 followed-up changes happening in higher education and its management. For this particular study, qualitative research was employed by conducting nine semi-structured interviews with academic managers working in the private higher education sector in the UK to capture their experience insights about the implications, advantages, disadvantages, and challenges faced during the pandemic. The findings showed that workplace accessibility was the most affected factor; during the lockdown, the private higher education institutions (PrHEIs) could recruit highly qualified and experienced part-time academic staff, as they need to teach online. However, most of these part-time academic staff wanted to quit when face-to-face teaching starts, as they live far from their institutions. Only online teaching motivated them to join during the lockdown because it provided ease and convenience, no travelling time & cost, freedom and autonomy. In addition, the online teaching amazingly increased the student attendance; higher pass rates but difficulties in engaging students in group activities. Another one of the challenges was the immediate adoption of online teaching and training of academic staff. Moreover, the reinvention of a new workplace approach and the high level of technology implementation to abide by the safety regulations will permanently transform the work routine. Therefore, most of the employees want to continue remote working in future.</p><p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0891/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>