The possibility of global climate change due to the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gaSeS poses dangers Of a magnitude Which is imprecisely known but may be very large.The problem can be ameliorated by reducing fossil fuel consumption through conservation and expanded use of nuclear and solar power. In particular, major reductions can be achieved if fossil fuels are replaced in electricity generation and if electricity assumes a larger role in the overall energy economy.
KEYWORDSGlobal warming. carbon dioxide, electricity use, nuclear power ENERGY PROBLEMS: OIL AND CARBON DIOXIDE 14x9 * Recommendations for more study. In this view, greenhouse effects are not well enough established to justify action at this time. Instead, there should be intensified scientific investigation.. Recommendations to begin planning for adaptation. with the greenhouse effect in prospect, it is argued that w e should now begin to take adaptive measures---for example, avoiding construction in low-lying coastal areas.Global warming and clean electricity 1493 * Recomendations for prevention, or more modestly, mitigation or abatement. For example, reduction in the use Of fossil fuel3 would reduce the rate of buildup Of greenhouse gases.