The onsite water use of data centers (DCs) is becoming an increasingly important consideration within the policy and energy analysis communities, but has heretofore been difficult to quantify in macro-level DC energy models due to lack of reported water usage effectiveness (WUE) values by DC operators. This work addresses this important knowledge gap by presenting thermodynamically-compatible power usage effectiveness (PUE) and WUE values for a wide range of U.S. DC archetypes and climate zones, using a physics-based model that is validated with real-world data. Results enable energy analysts to more accurately analyze the onsite energy and water use of DCs by size class, cooling system type, and climate zone under many different operating conditions including operational setpoints. Sensitivity analyses further identify the variables leading to best-achievable PUE and WUE values by climate zone and cooling system typeβincluding operational set points, use of free cooling, and cooling tower equipment and operational factorsβwhich can support DC water- and energy-efficiency policy initiatives. The consistent PUE and WUE values may also be used in future work to quantify the indirect water use of DCs occurring in electrical power generating systems.